Grain-Free Avocado Toast


Bread is so delicious and versatile... However, grains, a category of carbohydrates, have become a highly controversial food. There are pros and cons to consuming grains so, let's discuss!

About Grains:

Whole vs Refined:

What Makes It Whole

It contains Bran, Germ and the Endosperm. 


A refined grain has no bran or germ so it's missing a lot of vitamins & nutrients! 


  • Nutrient dense - if fortified

  • Great source of complex carbohydrates

  • Helps increase satiety


  • Could be hard to digest without proper soaking, sprouting or traditional processes.

  • Could contain gums and preservatives that irritate the GI.

  • May increase risk of inflammation

  • Gluten intolerance or allergy

  • Bread is typically high in sodium!

The Good News Is There's Many Alternatives!

If you feel like you are having trouble digesting grains or just want to try switching things up, check out this great recipe below for my...




  • 3 Medium Sized Sweet Potatoes

  • 1-2 Avocados, Mashed (depending on size)

  • A Squeeze of Lemon

  • 1/2 Cup Pomegranate Seeds

  • Fresh Thyme or Cilantro

  • Avocado Oil (@chosenfoods )

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Himalayan Sea Salt & Pepper (to taste)

  • Optional Flavor Boosters: Minced Onion, Garlic & Jalapeño


  1. Preheat Oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit

  2. Slice sweet potato long wise (1/4 inch slices)

  3. Season slices with salt, pepper, thyme and drizzle with Avocado Oil (use avocado oil for it's high smoke point for the 450 degree toasting process)

  4. In a bowl, mash the avocado with lemon juice, olive oil, himalayan sea salt and black pepper. Optional: Add 2 tablespoons minced onion, garlic to taste and chopped jalapeño for an extra flavor kick!

  5. Remove the Sweet Potato Toasts after they become crispy on the outer edges and soft in the middle.

  6. Let them cool for about 10-15 minutes

  7. Spread avocado mash, top with pomegranate, fresh thyme or cilantro and Enjoy!

AM I LAZY OR FATIGUED?! Learn How To Get Active and Achieve Wellness!

Exercise...Some people love it and some people dread it. This post is dedicated to help those in need of some motivation and organization to make working out part of their routine. Below I’m going to address a few obstacles that are brought to my attention constantly!


I’m Not Sure If I’m Fatigued Or Being Lazy..

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2018 is going to be a big year for addressing stress induced fatigue and inflammation. If you feel like you’re doing everything right...exercising moderately, sleeping 7-8 hours per night and balancing work and social life, then fatigue should not necessarily be your excuse. You need to just get your body used to those early rises and get that workout in. If you are overworking yourself, going out multiple days per week and eating haphazardly, then fatigue is most likely a condition you are dealing with. Take time to create a balanced schedule for work, play and even meal times. Once you have these factors under control and are getting adequate sleep, try to fit in a few workouts per week. If you’re feeling invigorated after your workout, continue to exercise regularly. However, if you’re feeling completely drained of energy post workout, go back and make sure your lifestyle, nutrition and sleep are all in balance.

There’s Not Enough Time In the Day…

Sorry that excuse isn’t going to fly with me. You’re going to need to make time for healthy habits to better your lifestyle if you want to reach your goals. If you work late into the evening, wake up early and get that workout in early. If you work super early in the morning, take a break after your shift and get up and get active for at least 30 minutes in the afternoon. For those who have a long lunch break, take advantage and try to  at least go for a short walk during that time! Low intensity and short duration are always doable. You don’t need a high intensity 60 minute interval training session to make it "worth it".

How Do I Wake Up Early?


I never used to be an early bird, waking up at 7:30 am for my first job when I was 18 was almost a mission impossible for me. Now 4:45 am seems to be a piece of cake for me. I used to suffer low energy, chronic headaches and fatigue every day as a teenager. When a switched over to my healthy lifestyle of eating whole and unprocessed foods and finding my ideal macronutrient intake, my energy levels skyrocketed. It is not a overnight process to wake up early and just like any new habit you’re trying to form, it takes dedication. Always aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. If you’re trying to wake up by 6 am, that’s going to mean getting to bed at 9:30 pm, shutting off all electronic devices and falling asleep by 10 pm.

How Do I Get To Bed Early?

Over the past two years, I have been trying to create a bedtime routine for myself. Why? Well, stress has increased and falling asleep has become a more difficult process. I start off by taking 1.5 mg of melatonin 2 hours before  the time that I want to be asleep by. Then I usually hop in the shower, do some evening skincare and turn on my “chill” mode. Before bed, I make sure to have a tall glass of water to avoid waking up dehydrated, a calming bedtime tea and 1 shot of apple cider vinegar to improve digestion! So the main point here is... create a “bedtime routine” for yourself and do it consistently!

How Do I Get Motivated?

Every meal you eat or exercise session you do will either improve your health and fitness or sabotage it. Grab a planner and schedule 4-5 days that you will be active on. You schedule work meetings and events with friends, so why not make time to improve your personal wellness! Writing it down will make you more accountable, taking progress pictures will help keep you going and consistency will create a habit. So keep in mind variety, grab a good playlist, invite a friend or hire a PT and always remember to stretch!