This is the day when most resolutions are broken. Don’t let it happened to you! Enjoy this "Sunday Funday" in moderation and be motivated to get back on track Monday. Everyone deserves a cheat meal!
Don’t refill your plate every commercial break!
Keep your distance! Sit far from the buffet.
Workout the day of the party! (30 minutes of sweating is all you need!) The players are working hard, why shouldn’t you too?
About 90 minutes before the party, have a high protein snack or if you’re on one of my plans, have one of your smoothie recipes or suggested snacks! This will help balance your blood sugar and avoid overindulging
Choose ONE dessert (small portion/ 1 small slice/ 1 cookie) instead of a tiny piece of each dessert.
Don’t take leftovers from a party.
Drink plenty of water the day of the party. Especially before bed.
Dark Meat has double the fat of light meat (saturated fats)
Sweet potatoes fries are better than white potatoes.
Opt for baked. You know the fried foods are the worst!
The day after the party, get back on track!
Decide between dessert or alcoholic beverages, do not have both!
Biggest Tip! Bring your own Dish or Dessert for the Party!
Check This Site For Quinoa Stuffed Mini Peppers And Pico De Gallo